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Insights into the world of fencing and thoughts on life

Time to Say Goodbye

Writer: KateKate

Updated: Jul 21, 2020

empty old club

The New Year is a time to say goodbye to past events and “ring in” new ones. That was so true for us today. David and I took the last bit of office stuff out of the old club and took a few moments to say goodbye.

It was harder than either of us had anticipated. We are, after all, extremely excited about how our new space is taking shape (with the help of 55 different volunteers so far!!!).

But this is the place where good things really started to happen for the SabreCats. David earned his Master of Sabre and Foil here. We sent our first fencer off to a Div 1 NCAA program. We earned our first National Gold medal. We wrote and implemented a new curriculum that appears to be bearing fruit. CEFC fencers are earning regional patches and National Points now. We have seen the power of fencing literally transform lives. Hundreds of people have passed through that door, hoping to have found an athletic activity that will serve their needs.

It’s hard to turn the key in the lock and walk away.

But walk away we must, if CEFC is to continue growing. We are beyond thrilled with the potential brewing in the new club. We are grateful to everyone who has helped us achieve it: from the 10 who bravely followed us across Rufe Snow in a leap of faith five years ago to the current members and their families who make up the lifeblood of Cutting Edge Fencing Center. And to our friends and family far and wide who offer support and encouragement as we endeavor to get this new space up and running.

Tears are welling up yet again as I write this. I’m not necessarily sad, more nostalgic and grateful. And tired from the first month of buildout.

Thank you to everyone who has offered help in some way this past month. This is a huge undertaking for us and we couldn’t do it without you. Thank you to those who have physically helped get the space ready to welcome its members. To those who offered financial help. To those who brought pizza for lunch and didn’t even bother to ask what kind because I was too tired to even figure out what kind of toppings I wanted. To the women who brought cleaning supplies because the kids packed up the bathrooms and I have no idea which boxes contain toilet cleaner and Windex. To the kids who sorted through all the nails and screws pulled from the boards during demolition. To the others who kept themselves entertained with foam sabre fights while we tore down the old railings and shelves and dismantled the Armoury. To the teacher who took that old, immensely heavy metal desk and file cabinets and will lovingly use them in her classroom. And to her husband who loaded them up with a smile in his truck.

We found out four days ago that all the sprinkler heads have to be replaced…another bump in a very long road. This will delay our CoO. In the meantime we have rented out a space at NYTex Sports Arena so we can hold some practices during the next week and a half. We plan on opening the doors on Friday, January 11 from 6:30-7:30 pm so anyone who wants to see the new space can visit. Our Volunteer and Donor Appreciation Party was originally scheduled for Saturday, January 12 from 6-7:30 pm. We plan on forging ahead with that and will have a livestream on the CEFC page so if you can’t make it in person, you can see the festivities–and the space–online.

We can’t wait to see you at the new CEFC, either as a regular member or visitor.

cefc floor logo

david and kate on cefc logo

david and kate selfie

david and kate in empty club

david looking at empty club

kate in empty club


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